Monday, May 17, 2010

Daisy! Daisy!

Friday, May 14, 2010


This painting turned out to be a little tougher than I thought it would be. So simple on the surface, but the shading is kind of tricky. Nonetheless, we had a wonderful class, produced four very different, and uber fabulous paintings. Great job, y'all!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Garden of Tulips

I had a group of ladies in the studio last night for a special showing of the Tulip painting! We had a great time, and everyone's painting turned out FABulously! I particularly loved the RED tulip. Guess what color I'm going to make my tulip next time I teach this class? :D The pink tulips were breathtaking, and the yellow tulip was stunning! Wooooo!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Feature in the Burleson Star

Many thanks to my alert friend Susan, or I might have missed this completely! Apparently a feature article on me and my studio ran last Wednesday in the local paper. I knew it was coming, but I didn't know it was already done.

At right, I've cut and pasted the article together into an 8.5x11 size (I'm gonna frame it!). The interviewer didn't quite get facts 100%, but the gist is right on. I'm extremely pleased.

Click on it to see it bigger (and read it). Please keep in mind that I am SOOOOO not photogenic.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Finished paintings for sale!

Did you miss doing a painting you really wanted? Would you like to own a rare Stacey L. King original? Do you need a cool one-of-a-kind gift for Aunt Chacha's 45th birthday? (Yeah, I'm psychic that way :D)

You are in luck! I happen to have a solution to all three of those dilemmas! Below are photos of original paintings by me, done for or in class. Descriptions and prices are below each photo. If you're interested in one or more, please contact me at info **at** abrushandabeverage **dot** com.

^^Dandelion Green (background is more green than yellow): $40.00 (plus any applicable shipping/tax)

^^Dandelion Yellow (background is more yellow than green): $40.00 (plus any applicable shipping/tax)

^^Koi and Lotus matching pair: $75.00 (plus any applicable shipping/tax)

-->If you're local and can pick up your purchase, you can pay by cash, check, or plastic (Visa/Mastercard/Discover).
-->If we need to ship to you, add $10 for shipping and we can only accept plastic.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lotus Class

Last night we painted the Lotus companion to our previous Koi painting. Great time! Great paintings! Woo!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Koi Class

Last night we had NINE people in class! It was fabulous! Everyone had a great time, we got the first real dribbles of paint on the floor (yay!), and produced nine wonderful Koi paintings. Here's some pics:

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dandelion Class

Our very first class, painting the deceptively complex 'Dandelion' was a success! It was sort of a 'dry run' with family and friends to get the system worked out before our advertisements started running. My kids participated and had a great time. On the way home with their paintings in their laps, they both were gushing about their accomplishment. "Wow. I can't believe *I* did this!"

That's what it's all about right there. That sense of accomplishment--and the great time painting of course. Here are some pics from our first class:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Coming soon!

The blog, the business and the website, coming soon!